Sophia Warren – “Stand By”

Sophia Warren brings us her latest with “Stand By,” a masterclass in dream pop backed by a wispy yet very substantial vocal showing. Drums and bass take center stage with driving the track forward with a simple yet catchy synth track that, combined with the vocals, gives an ethereal feel to “Stand By.” With production coming from the same guy (Chris Coad) who has worked with Beach House (a personal favorite of mine) and TV on the Radio,  it’s easy to recommend Sophia Warren to fans of them. Speaking to the track, Warren had this to say:

“Stand By’ is about being in a dead, lifeless relationship. Being with someone for many years and realizing neither of you is putting effort into it anymore. You begin to feel on standby, waiting for something to jolt you out of your lifeless relationship. However, the waiting continues and reveals itself to be never-ending.”

You can hear “Stand By” (and see the cool visualizer below) over on YouTube or stick with the audio only on Spotify, for addition to your dream pop tinged playlist.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
