ROE – “Caravan”

Based out of Northern Ireland, ROE has been steadily releasing new music since getting her big break at Glastonberry in 2017 – “Caravan” is her latest. If the acoustic guitar is the standard bearer here, ROE’s heartfelt vocals are the commander of her army of sound. This track is good ‘ole pop at its finest, plain and simple, but elegantly done. Fans of Soccer Mommy or Lucy Dacus will be familiar with this approach and find a lot to enjoy here.
Speaking to the track, ROE had this to say:
“‘Caravan’ is a song about friendship. Generally when you’re young you think everything lasts forever – but eventually relationships change, friends move away and suddenly the people you spent every hour and every minute of the day with once aren’t in your life anymore.”
You can hear “Caravan” below from ROE’s Soundcloud or add it to your poppy Irish artists Spotify playlist.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller