Passed Out – The Aforementioned and How It Pertains to Absolutely Nothing…

The Aforementioned and How It Pertains to Absolutely Nothing…, the new 18-minute album from Buffalo indie punk quintet Passed Out, is a no-holds-barred effort laced with fast-paced rhythms and clever turns of phrase.

The opener, “Bukowski and Brautigan” is a single minute in length, but it should manage to touch any listener lyrically or at least make them jitter around the room. It’s carried into the next tune, a more subdued track, by way of feedback. This one, entitled “…and in Doing So” is a clever song speaking of a relationship under the guise of an endless, extremely cold winter. “Aimless Endeavor” is another less turbulent song, save for a brief guitar solo and the last 30 seconds, which consists of heavy blows of instruments and vocals.

“Summer Thing” shows traces of both The Cure and The Clash in its tough exterior but vulnerable core, as thinly veiled jabs are made toward a significant other’s literal and figurative distancing away from their summer fling, accentuated by letters sent back and forth.

The following is a dramatic, somewhat lo-fi display of angst showing aspects of Dylan-like lyricism at some points, such as the line “you wanted to know, so don’t act shocked at the advent of the truth.”

“Inverse Is True” is a pop-punk-esque gem that projects a unique, slightly scientific analysis of love.

The finale, “Yeah…It’s My Birthday, Don’t Remind Me,” sounds like a down-hearted pop standard in the making, lifted by great crashing of drums, light vocals and disdainful lyrics that should be relatable to many.

You can listen to Passed Out’s album through their Bandcamp.

Categorised in: Buffalo

This post was written by Jason Klaiber
