Late Guest At The Party – “Strapped To The Rhythm”

Brooklyn based indie electronic group Late Guest At The Party (henceforth LGATP) brings us a fun effects-laden ballad for you here in “Strapped to the Rhythm.” If you’re more of an indie person but are looking for that crossover that sways you ,look no further than “Strapped to the Rhythm;” a superbly fun beat to bop around or dance to and infinitely catchy. Taking a page from fellow NYC indie darlings LCD Soundsystem, (::cough:: James Murphy ::cough::) LGATP plays around with composition and finds fun ways to subvert the genre. Speaking to that, the band said:
“Usually, we go for strong beats and dance rhythms but this time we decided to leave all that behind and write a “no-beat-ballad.”
Be sure to check out “Strapped to the Rhythm” on Spotify and Bandcamp as well as the recently remixed version “Strapped To The Rhythm (Drums of Death Version).” DoDV takes the track in a fun new direction and may end up being your favorite of the two. Be sure to let us know if you want to hear more like this via the comments on our social meedz!
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller