LAPÊCHE – “Slight”

Here’s a fun indie rocker from Brooklyn-based act LAPÊCHE – “Slight” is a guitar-driven song flush with a shuffling drumbeat and lilting vocals from singer and guitarist Krista Diem. The band clearly has a gift for melody, packing every inch of “Slight” with melodies that were crafted to stick around in your head for days. About the song, the band says:
“‘Slight’ is about the experience of living life in a constant state of bracing for impact; imposing will and control as a response to fear, and excusing actions based on circumstance. “Slight” explores waking from this trance to begin acting from a place of presence rather than reactivity.”
You can also find “Slight” on Spotify and Apple Music.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Nick Sessanna