Johnny Cisneros – “IT’S TOO LATE”

LA based Johnny Cisneros‘ latest is “IT’S TOO LATE” and it’s somehow the most relaxing yet frantic track I’ve heard in a hot minute. A follow up to the first track, “NEEDY,” off of his upcoming EP, “IT’S TOO LATE” has a low key sound, but the BPM and Cisneros’ so-called “Spanglish Indie” lyrics for a really unique take that had me hooked from the start. This definitely had a post-punk vibe similar to Day Wave that I find myself enjoying more and more, especially with that crispy vintage crackle that makes it sound like it’s being played off of a vinyl.

It’s not too late to listen to “IT’S TOO LATE,” (unless you’re up past your bedtime, in which case you can wait until the morning) available on the usual gamut of YouTube, Spotify, or Soundcloud. The new EP will be out in September, so keep your ears peeled for more!

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
