Infinitefreefall – “Desecrated Landscape”

“Desecrated Landscape” is the latest from South Carolina based four piece Infinitefreefall and it’s a lot of sound packed in just over three minutes (and we love it). Billed as “experimental pop,” this is a great vague term but, like most vague terms, doesn’t entirely do the band justice. The track leans into the shoegazey/psychedelic guitar and mashes together into quite the formidable force behind Maxton Strenstrom’s vocals. This reminded me a lot of Foals but if they had 30% less treble and smoked some DMT – which is nothing against Foals because we like them too!

You can hear “Desecrated Landscape” below from Soundcloud or throw it on your trippy pop playlist today on Spotify. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard, be sure to check out the band’s back catalogue and upcoming album due out sometime before the end of the year.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
