Housewife – “Life Of The Party”
“Life Of The Party” is the latest from Canada based Housewife, the project of Brighid Fry (she/they). Written about about the difference between how people perceive how your life is versus how it actually is, “Life Of The Party” bubbling over with poppy beats and some dank synth (second track this week with the *perfect* amount).
Fry’s vocals mesh well with the drums and bass; which aren’t so much driving the track but are in a quirky throuple relationship with the aforementioned synth. Fry’s voice manages to be airy in the beginning and maintains that, yet gradually crescendos through the track.
Check out “Life Of The Party” music video below from YouTube or over the audio on Spotify. I would have recommended the Soundcloud link but if you’re in the USA, for some reason it doesn’t want to play there. We’ll forgive it though since we’re neighbors and these things happen.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller