Following up from the beginning of the month (here), we have a new track from indie duo Frog. “WHERE DO I SIGN VAR. III” is the latest single off their album 1000 Variations on the Same Song. I favorably compared their prior single, “JUST USE YR HIPS VAR. VI” to your (my) friend Ron’s bachelor apartment of yesteryear: “complete with incense from his roommate and some obtuse dinnerware; never rising to ostentatious… but you’re still kinda jealous of that dinnerware.”


If “HIPS” was the tasteful dinnerware, this is assuredly the reliably delicious water that comes from their ancient Brita. Sliding into a Midwest emo vibe, the brothers Bateman mix tight (and light) drums with acoustic guitar and a tiny smattering of keys sprinkled throughout. Somewhere between American Football and Bon Iver, fans of both will find this track a great starting point before diving into the album (though you can also just start with track #1).


You can hear “WHERE DO I SIGN VAR. III” below from Soundcloud as well as Bandcamp and Spotify. If you’re feeling the vibes, be sure to check out the rest of the album 1000 Variations on the Same Song.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
