FLOWVERS – “Far Away”

It hasn’t been too long since we’ve checked in with Portsmouth-based indie rockers FLOWVERS – we just featured their previous single “When It Comes To It” earlier this month. They’re back with another amazing alt-rocker, this time in the form of “Far Away.” Propelled by the juxtaposition between a gentle harmonic riff and obscenely huge guitar tones, “Far Away” seems destined for greatness – it was recorded with Richard Woodcraft of Arctic Monkeys/Radiohead fame after all. Fans of 90s alternative are gonna love this – but this could also sit comfortably on the shelf next to any of today’s modern rock radio all-stars.

This one really spoke to us – preview Far Away via Soundcloud below, then head over to Spotify to add it to your favorite playlist.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Nick Sessanna
