Cape Crush x Good June x Impossible Dog – Good Dogs Wear Capes

Isn’t it a lovely thing when local bands get along? This spicy collab between Boston-based acts Cape Crush, Good June, and Impossible Dog even has the perfect, all-encompassing name – Good Dogs Wear Capes – a six song collection of heartfelt emo, indie, and pop songwriting lovingly crafted by like-minded musicians.


Teaming up first with Good June first, Cape Crush and crew conjure up “Apple at the Aggy,” an excellent way to launch the EP – with big, chunky chords and a sugary-sweet na-na-na melody, we’re immediately taken back to our favorite songs from bands like Weezer, Tigers Jaw, and/or Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer. With lyrics ranging from eating apples a la mode to proclamations of being unforgiveable and/or formidable, this has all the quirky-but-poetic hallmarks of excellent emo. Charming harmonies and big breakdowns help to give this song an extraordinary sense of movement – wrapping it all up with the same na-na-nas they started with. Cape Crush keep up this energy on “Katie on the Radio” (this time a collab with Impossible Dog), with a delightfully upbeat energy that could be an Ozma song or an early Saves the Day track in a different life.


Another outing with Cape Crush/Impossible dog has a completely different energy – “Better in the Morning” feels a little more midwestern flavored, with twinkly guitars and minor chords that channel bands like the inimitable Hotelier. Beautiful harmonies, chromatic chord crawling, and a forlorn sense of melody really tug at your heartstrings and remind you of why you started liking this genre in the first place. It’s an indication that there’s more to this EP than just a fun project shared between friends, and a not-so-subtle nudge from this blogger to dig a little deeper than you normally would.


Check out this really cool split via the bandcamp embed below (which is specifically the songs that Cape Crush contributed to) – for the rest of the EP, check it out on Spotify.


Categorised in: Album Reviews

This post was written by Nick Sessanna
