Barcode Angels – “Coming Home”

Brooklyn-based Barcode Angels brings us their latest single “Coming Home;” their first release since 2023’s debut album Angels Forever. Recorded on a tape machine and clocking in at just over two minutes, we’re treated to wispy, echoey guitar-forward pop track (with some bonus violin accompaniment). Fans of Sargasso or Palehound (both personal favorites) would find a lot to enjoy with this track, as would anyone looking for some low key indie pop with an ear for, as the band puts it, “texture rock.” This is easily a band that could blow up in two seconds, so be sure to get in on the ground floor and you could say something like “I heard about them on buffaBLOG” (but we’ll forgive you if you pretend you discovered them some other way to look cooler).

You can hear “Coming Home” down below from the band’s YouTube or over on Spotify. Be on the lookout for their next album “Self Checkout” if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today!

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
