Tristan Armstrong – “Queen of Diamonds”

Tristan Armstrong, pulling triple duty as composer, main artist, and producer, shows off his latest single “Queen of Diamonds” to us, the great unwashed masses. Much like a playing card, the track has two sides to it – literally playing cards in someone’s apartment and the more abstract; specifically, committing to someone romantically. This is unabashedly a rock ‘n roll track with more guitar than you can shake a stick at (including a brief solo, something that gets forgotten about a lot in modern music imo).


You can hear “Queen of Diamonds” below from YouTube as well as over on Spotify. If you’re a fan of 60’s and 70’s music with a dash of pop, or acts like Father John Misty who venture into a similar feel, you’ll find a lot to enjoy with this track and the rest of Armstrong’s catalogue.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
