Transmission Lost – “Hometown Zeroes for 2”

“Hometown Zeroes for 2” is the latest single from five piece alt rockers Transmission Lost. I was disappointed that there isn’t a Hometown Zeroes for 1, but I canceled my disappointment when I saw they had a track called “Smashing Pumpkins” that was honestly hilarious (check that out after you listen to HTZF2 though).


I could try to tell you “yo, these guitars rip” or “man this track slaps” (which, honestly, true)… BUT, just listen for the first minute and tell me you don’t feel something right around the :36 mark. Felt that in my soul.


You can hear “Hometown Zeroes for 2” below on the band’s SoundCloud or throw it on your latter aughts alt rock playlist. These guys seriously know how to rock and do it in *style*.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
