Tired Cossack – “Tin”

While the Cossacks (as per Wikipedia from Turkic kazak, “adventurer” or “free man”) of old may have been known for their horsemanship and fierce independence, Tired Cossack, is a solo act based out of good ole Winnipeg, Canada. He brings us a cut off his newest album I Know, I Guess., “Tin,” and it’s a solid 3:30 of rhythmic post-punk with Cure/The Fall-esque vibes. It’s somehow so wonderfully noisy yet refined just before the point of excess to keep the song moving – not bogging down at any point. Call it good mixing, but as a famous sound guy once said (probably), “you can’t polish a turd.” This one is indeed a diamond.

Is he tired? Maybe, I don’t know the guy. If his music is any indication of his well-being I think there’s a lot to listen to here and I hope he’s okay and keeps rocking out between naps.

Be sure to check out “Tin” and the rest of I Know, I Guess over on Spotify or Bandcamp.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
