The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die

In case you need any affirmation that emo is not dead, last night at Waiting Room was a strong reminder. All of the bands on last night’s bill brought their A game, all playing fantastic, on point sets. Take One Car opened the night with their heavy, talk rock oriented jams, followed by a lighthearted, mellow set from Virginia Beach’s Turnover. Pianos Become the Teeth found the perfect mix between mellow and extreme, delivering an incredibly passionate performance. Closing the night was The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die, delivering another emotional set. Despite the heavy performance, the tone of the night was not too serious, as it wouldn’t be a World Is Beautiful set without an excessive amount of stage banter.

Take One CarIMG_0067IMG_0069

Pianos Become the TeethIMG_0183IMG_0207IMG_0153

The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to DieIMG_0269IMG_0287IMG_0298


Categorised in: Photos

This post was written by Brendan O'Connor
