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Tonight: VYVAN

Wish I knew more to tell you about this one, but I’ll tell you what I know. Tonight (6:30, says Facebook) at Black Dots, we’ve got locals Max Weiss and The Patterns supporting Bloomington’s VYVYAN. VYVYAN, at least, is a known quantity, in the sense that their demo is quality. Imagine a world where bands going for a 90s college rock aesthetic pulled as much from Green Day as they do from Dinosaur Jr., and you’ll be in the ballpark. I hear lots of Superchunk in the vocals, but the songs themselves are infused with more jumparound punk energy than most of that group’s output. I’d bet a bottom dollar they’re a blast to see live. Max Weiss: I’ve never seen him live and I’ve been unable to find any substantial recordings, but I’m dumb: if you know some, post in the comments please. What I have found are a[...]