Virgo Rising – “Shoes”
Manitoba based four piece Virgo Rising brings us their latest single “Shoes” off of their October 13th EP Vampyre Year. Simply put, this is a sublime, guitar-forward bedroom indie rock song guided by vocalist Emiy Sinclair’s dulcet tones. I said to myself whilst listening, “Self, ya know each note and minute sounds present, so deliberately placed, and painstakingly put together.” Oddly enough as I started reading more about the band I learned that this… was not only true as my ears heard it, but there was a bit of a backstory too. As per the band, they implemented a veto system on crafting Vampyre Year that initially worked a little too well and went back to the drawing board. Coming back fresh after a year away from recording, the band reworked the EP from scratch and made it a cohesive group effort. As far as comparisons go, the sound and attention to[...]