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The Slashes – “Limo Tint”

“Limo Tint” is the newest from San Diego group The Slashes, and it’s the moody post-punk jam you’ve been holding out for. We last covered them mid-2023 with their track “Dead Majesty” (here) and a lot of what we loved then holds true. That is, a fantastic post-punk group that embraces the darker side of things with a huge sound that tips a cap to acts like Interpol or Joy Division but stands quite strongly on their own. Written in the perspective of saying goodbye to a friend who passed away, singer Esteban Rene’s vocals (wails?) resonate dirge-like in between the guitar and bass lines. The guitar in particular, feels like a mimicking echo after each verse and brings a lonely, haunting feel with it. The bass also does a lot of heavy lifting and is given time to shine, particularly toward the end as it attempts to overtake the[...]

The Slashes – “Dead Majesty”

Hailing from So-Cal, self-described “borderland post punk” group The Slashes brings us a goth-tinged delight with “Dead Majesty.” The bass does much of the heavy lifting with some sick riffs, but singer Esteban Rene keeps things spooky with his haunting voice and ethereal sounding guitar. Fans of Interpol, She Wants Revenge, or The Cure will find lots to dig into on this one… Evoking the usual Cure and Interpol comparisons is easy to do, and even accurate to a point, but The Slashes put forth a good case with enough to differentiate them from contemporaries in the genre. You can hear “Dead Majesty” and more of the band’s tracks over on Spotify or Bandcamp. Be sure to let us know if you’d like to hear more from this band or post punk in general! Dead Majesty by The Slashes