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The Moving Stills – “Best Friend”

We love ourselves the jubilant and radiant indie rock that The Moving Stills have put out over the last few years (check our previous features on them Here, Here, and Here) and their latest release, the indie pop blast “Best Friend,” is no different. It is the fourth single off their forthcoming album Wabi Sabi, due out November 24th. “Friend” captures the group’s whimsical creative spirit while beaming with the energy of their soul-warming smiles. “Best Friend” takes you to that cherished place in life where a friendship unburdens you just by being near and your adventures are effortlessly euphoric. Breezy vocals bring the cool, as shimmering synths warm you and guitar hooks dazzle and make you dance. Fans of Vampire Weekend, Phoenix, and MGMT will find lots on this track to love. Here is Tommy from The Moving Stills talking about their new track: “’Best Friend’ is about feeling[...]

The Moving Stills – “Westside”

We’re just drawn to the jaunty indie rock coming from Aussie quartet The Moving Stills (don’t believe me? Check out our previous features here and here). They’re back to tickle your garage rockin’ ’00s heartstrings with another lovely offering, the genuinely upbeat vibes of “Westside.” Uber-positive vibes are never our main MO, but the super uplifting feels found here on “Westside” have us feeling like we might turn over a new leaf… Maybe. Here’s what they had to say about their new jam: “Westside is about celebrating the positive aspects of life, so we wanted it to be a feel good upbeat track. It’s also about being able to slow down without feeling guilty about taking a break. It came after a holiday in WA and also reflects on all the time we have spent on the East Coast, playing shows and hanging out with the people that matter. It’s[...]

The Moving Stills – “U and Me”

The Moving Stills are a four-piece band with a 70’s aesthetic, an 80s retro-tinge to their 2022 brand of indie pop, and one hell of a fgrowing following. Coming from New South Wales, the numbers that The Moving Stills assemble speak for the band’s top tier cadence. The intro of their latest project Sunshine Corner is a contagiously upbeat two step jig – “U and Me” will make you want to run out in the street and start dancing with strangers.  Check it out on Spotify and Apple Music too.

The Moving Stills – “Your Standards”

“Your Standards” is a squiggly new single from Australian quartet The Moving Stills. “Standards” is something of an evolution for these guys – stepping away from their raucous garage rock roots into something nuanced, pop-oriented, and synth-tinged. Between the tight mix and Demarco-esque bedroom vibes, we think “Standards” is bound to be your next not-so-guilty pleasure. Check it out below before swinging by their Spotify. Sureshaker Music · The Moving Stills – ‘Your Standards’