The Moving Stills – “Westside”

We’re just drawn to the jaunty indie rock coming from Aussie quartet The Moving Stills (don’t believe me? Check out our previous features here and here). They’re back to tickle your garage rockin’ ’00s heartstrings with another lovely offering, the genuinely upbeat vibes of “Westside.” Uber-positive vibes are never our main MO, but the super uplifting feels found here on “Westside” have us feeling like we might turn over a new leaf… Maybe. Here’s what they had to say about their new jam:

“Westside is about celebrating the positive aspects of life, so we wanted it to be a feel good upbeat track. It’s also about being able to slow down without feeling guilty about taking a break. It came after a holiday in WA and also reflects on all the time we have spent on the East Coast, playing shows and hanging out with the people that matter. It’s been a great year and we’re feeling optimistic about what’s coming ahead.”

Be sure to stick around for the harmonica solo! Check out “Westside” below or on Spotify.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Nick Sessanna
