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The Gold Watch – “What Do I Do”

The Gold Watch is a project by Spencer Pope and “What Do I Do” is their latest single released from their album Missing. Right off the bat, I’m hooked by the heavy synth presence that sticks with you throughout the track. The rest of the 3:43 is chill vibes all the way with some light background drums and Pope’s dulcet tones dancing harmoniously with the synth. As per the artist, the track is: “…about feeling powerless to help someone in a relationship…” Certainly something many of us can find relatable on some level. You can hear “What Do I Do” on Spotify or down below from YouTube. If you enjoy this, the rest of the album is well worth a listen (Look Out Mars was another favorite of mine). Fans of Arcade Fire would find a lot to enjoy here, with the rest of tracks being varied so you won’t[...]