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Northern Nomads – “Phoenix”

“Phoenix,” the latest single from Seattle synthpop outfit Northern Nomads is neon drenched, epic, and it needs to get beamed into your ears right away. For his latest jam Northern Nomads mastermind Mario Sibaja trades the Nile Rodgers guitar work that made last year’s revelatory  Love Is All We Have EP obscenely irresistible for a pulsating riff that exudes sexy, apocalyptic power… with yet another exquisitely crafted and delivered chorus that makes you want to dance with your shoulders like you were in an 80’s music video. Check it out.

Lord OLO – “Dirty30”

Seattle’s Lord OLO commands a dark, cultish aesthetic. It’s represented masterfully and creepily in the video for his track “Dirty30.” Much of the video for the rap cut takes place on a Gameboy Color that appears to be projecting a new dimension. OLO makes a filtered appearance in the visuals, showing off his prowess with some clever bars like “No disrespect, your kitty just ain’t worth the litter.” Lord OLO has some DOOM vibes going in his lyricism too, particularly in the way that he talks about his OLO character. It’s like he’s telling a story firsthand about this figure, and it gets you itching to hear the next chapter. Listen to his album with producer Wann Sklobi here, and check out the video for “Dirty30” below.

Posse – “Shut Up”

Seattle trio Posse have described their sound as being inspired by “delay pedals and 27 years of disappointment,” hinting at a bleak, yet sincere sense of humor that comes across on their sophomore album, Soft Opening. Singer Paul Whitmann-Todd’s monotonous delivery is backed by slinking melodic guitar lines and a slow pulsing rhythm on “Shut Up,” as he discusses the banality of a relationship gone stale. Despite the dreary subject matter, a blissfully redemptive guitar solo at the two minute mark gives the track a sense of peaceful resolution. Drawing comparison to bands like Yo La Tengo, Pavement, and Real Estate, Posse occupy a familiar sonic territory that rarely ceases to be affective when purposefully executed in the manner that makes Soft Opening such a confident, rewarding LP. Stream “Shut Up” below.