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Tonight: Roz and the Rice Cakes

No, we’re not talking about the delicious and health-conscious snack – in fact, one of Rhode Island’s best is gracing Buffalo tonight (need proof? click here). Roz and the Rice Cakes is a tight three-piece that sound like the brainchild of Warpaint and Phantogram. The trio has been on tour supporting its latest release, a double A-side out now on Team Love Records. What a perfect dreary Saturday for show-going! Support tonight comes from garage-poppers M.A.G.S., Thee Oh Seas meets Primus-fuzz Kharlos, and the mysterious Alien Three. Ask a punk where the Glitterbox is and make sure you bring a donation for the touring band. Doors open at 6pm and doors close at 10pm sharp.

Tonight: Roz & the Rice Cakes

Tonight, the Hive plays host to Providence, RI’s instrument swapping, experimental pop trio, Roz & the Ricecakes. The three-some was recently featured in the debut installment of 1809 Studios new live session series recorded in Macedon, NY, right outside of Rochester. Check out the clip here. Masterminded by local label Steak & Cake Records, the bill also features a trio of blog favs, Newish Star, Mink, and Aircraft, all for the ridiculously low price of $5. Out of deference to the neighbors (to whom you should be cool if you’re going), the show starts at promptly 7pm.

Tonight: Roz and the Rice Cakes

Tonight, the Jungle Gym will host Providence’s Roz and the Rice Cakes, some clever and friendly folks out on tour. They’ll be bringing a dose of pleasurable-to-the-ear indie folky music that has enough math-rock to it to consistently make your ears perk up before you drift too far into a reverie. They’ll be supported by local post-punk heroes Cross Stitch, unhyphenated local punk heroes Sleeptalker, and local surf-psych-pop princes Aircraft. Bring some dollars to support the touring band (suggested donation of $5) and enjoy yourself. First band will kick off promptly at 9, so get there on time and don’t be a loser. Facebook event here if’n you want to RSVP.