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Record Store Day 2017 is Tomorrow

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Record Store Day, the international celebration of vinyl, physical media and the indie record stores that sell returns tomorrow with celebrations happening locally at Buffalo’s surviving record shops. Whether you brave the early morning lines for the Record Store Day special goodies you’ve scouted in advance or plan on some leisurely shopping, bonhomie, and live music later in the day after the rush subsides, enjoy yourselves (“It’s a celebration!”) and be sure to spend some money to keep these treasured local resources going: Record Theatre will be having their annual Record Store Day blowout at their remaining location at Main and Lafayette from 9 AM til 9 PM with the line forming Friday night I imagine. They’ll have the RSD special releases, live music from 12pm-7pm, plus the R&R BBQ Truck for lunch, Lloyd’s for dinner, and Community Beer Works local brew throughout the[...]

Today: Record Store Day

Today is the ninth annual  Record Store Day, a holiday created in 2007 to celebrate Mom and Pop record stores and the stagnant vinyl industry. In the past nine years, much has changed in the music industry, and vinyl is HOT again (thanks millenials). Over 700 independent retailers across the world celebrating selling/collecting music by numerous rarities and one-offs being released today, including new releases from David Bowie, J. Dilla, and Regina Spektor to name a few. To get a hold of the whole list of new releases, check out Record Store Day’s website. Here’s what is going on locally. Record Theatre (1800 Main St): Ever want to meet Johnny Rzeznik (Goo Goo Dolls), Mary Ramsey (10,000 Maniacs), and get a signed copy Cassandra Kublinski’s latest CD all in one location with a Community Beer Works beer in hand? Well, good news for you. Get to Record Theatre’s 1800 Main Street location[...]

Revolver Records Lauches Storefront Crowd Funding Campaign

We don’t normally get behind too many crowd funding campaigns here at the blog. I mean, do we really need to help pay for another food truck at this point? Late last week, though, Revolver Records, a garage run vinyl store, launched a GoFundMe campaign to get its own shop up and running. If you have been to the Peddler during the summer or taken a stroll by Bureau on Friday afternoons, then you have prob run into Phil Machemer and his great collection of both quality used and new records. He and his wife, Kerri, are hoping to raise enough money to open their own storefront in the near future. Despite the recent surge in vinyl sales, record shops are still a dying breed so its great to potentially have another shop open up in Buffalo down the read. The Machemers still have a ways to reach their goal, so[...]