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Tonight: Well Rounded People’s Party [no. 3]

The night before Thanksgiving is sometimes thought of as one of the biggest party nights of the year as people goad themselves for the coming onslaught of awkward family interactions. Well, instead of the usual bar crawl or at least before the usual bar crawl why not take some time for some positive fun that goes toward a good cause at the third annual Well Rounded People’s Party. Even more exciting…you can have this fun on wheels! The Well Rounded People’s Party is an “all ages/all peoples” event and a rare opportunity to get your innovative media, great DJ sets, delicious food provided by West Side Bazaar, and an old-fashioned roller skating fun in one place. With sets by DJ Cutler, UVB76, Greg Howze, and DJ Dana Dancehammer, as well as an interactive live video projection by Chris Svoboda, this is sure to be a great time. So take some[...]

Tonight: Well Rounded People’s Party Skate Jam [no. 1]

Damn, this is just about the best damn thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to do a write up for. Tonight, Skateland will be alive with beats, funk, and skating when PUSH Buffalo, The WASH Project and West Side Bazaar put on a skate party for the people, like the kind we used to have at Skateland back in the day. All of these magnificent organizations are doing tremendous work for the West Side, our city, and some of it’s newest residents (note: the West Side Bazaar has also been doing tremendous work for my love world gastronomy), and tonight’s party is an excellent excuse to support them and social justice while skating and getting down. DJ Sike and Baby Joe will be kicking out the jams, food vendors will be from the aforementioned West Side Bazaar, tickets are only $5, and the party’s from 6 to 11.