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Kent Odessa – “Neighbors (feat. Jackson Reese)”

“Neighbors” by Kent Odessa & Jackson Reese was a breath of fresh air for the industry as a whole. Kent Odessa’s vocals gave my ears a melodic high they haven’t experienced in a while. Jackson Reese’s innovative flows and casually rebellious delivery gives the track a substantial focal point. Kent Odessa takes that focal point & wraps it up with tantalizing vocals that glisten like shimmering wrapping paper on Christmas day. Needless to say, “Neighbors” is a collaboration from Kent Odessa & Jackson Reese that the world had no idea it needed. Stream “Neighbors” on Spotify Kent Odessa · Neighbors (feat. Jackson Reese)

Everything In Waves – Fading Out

Buffalo-based one-man-band Everything In Waves is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to gorgeous sounds. The latest installation in his discography, Fading Out, takes listeners on a self-reflective journey. The vocals and lyrics are the vehicle of this five-song EP, consisting of stacked melodies with a driving force that feels like it takes you around the world five times and back… What I’m trying to say is, Everything In Waves, aka Anthony DelPlato, was born with pipes. Each song on Fading Out has its own distinctive concept that carries out an overall theme of hopelessness in hope itself. In Anthony’s own words: “The title track, ‘Fading Out’, closes the loosely chronological sequence and narrates the end of this disastrous connection. The suffering, the pain, the misery, it all finally started to fade away. This is not a happy album, but one that I think we can all associate with. It gives[...]