Kai Bosch – “Funny”
“Funny” is the newest off of the single of the same name from Kai Bosch, an artist we’ve covered previously on the Blog. Funny enough, it was “Tulips,” another track off of the same single (link here). A clever and smooth “f**k you” breakup anthem, Bosch pours on the charm: “I just think it’s funny that you think that I’m the problem That you tell your therapist I’ve starved you of oxygen but you mention that you went and fucked your best friend.” Leading with an insanely catchy beat, “Funny” gave me some Billie Eilish-meets-LCD Soundsystem vibes – what with the bumping and whispery/sultry/talk sing voice. Synth and effects laden, you’d be hard pressed to find a catchier track released this year – you can really feel this with a set of headphones reverberating through your skull. Be sure to check out “Funny” on Spotify or the clever music vid down below.