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Kai Bosch – “Funny”

“Funny” is the newest off of the single of the same name from Kai Bosch, an artist we’ve covered previously on the Blog. Funny enough, it was “Tulips,” another track off of the same single (link here). A clever and smooth “f**k you” breakup anthem, Bosch pours on the charm: “I just think it’s funny that you think that I’m the problem That you tell your therapist I’ve starved you of oxygen but you mention that you went and fucked your best friend.” Leading with an insanely catchy beat, “Funny” gave me some Billie Eilish-meets-LCD Soundsystem vibes – what with the bumping and whispery/sultry/talk sing voice. Synth and effects laden, you’d be hard pressed to find a catchier track released this year – you can really feel this with a set of headphones reverberating through your skull. Be sure to check out “Funny” on Spotify or the clever music vid down below.

Kai Bosch – “Tulips”

“Tulips” is the newest from London based Kai Bosch, and at just 21 years old, he’s already done quite well for himself. With a high production value featuring Bosch’s vocals with drum machine and effects mixed in, the whole track feels like a swirling dream. Falling in under the alt pop umbrella, “Tulips” is simmering banger tinged with sadness – having been written towards the end of a relationship. Specifically speaking to that, Bosch had this to say: “The song was inspired by the idea of flower pressings and how you can preserve the colour and beauty of something that is still dead nonetheless – and how I wish I could do that to the relationship I had with my ex.” Having been produced by Charlie Andrew of Alt-J, fans of that group will find some common interest. Followers of fellow UK group Foals would also find a lot to[...]

Kai Bosch – “Title”

London’s Kai Bosch knows a thing or two about heartbreak and he evokes that brutal feeling in the alt-pop of his latest offering, “Title.” Channeling his love for Lorde, Kai pairs a dark, dancy beat with his devastating lyrics for truly poignant results. Kai has a pretty eloquent explanation of where “Title” came from – check it out below: “’Title’ represents a month of blurring nights, tears, and intoxication all culminating into an explosive breakup. Coming out the other side when the dust had settled, I saw our time together for what it was: one-sided. Title explores the feeling that there is a “winner” in a relationship. I’m a very emotional person and in the past this has left me feeling like the “loser” in a lot of situations, but as I grow in myself and continue to experience love in its many forms I’ve come to find that there[...]