Funeral Coat – Is That So?
Call it alternative, punk, emo, or whatever else you want, but call it correct; Funeral Coat’s debut LP, Is That So, is fire. The gas to that fire might come from professional production from the prominent Jay Zubricky at GCR Audio; but that’s just the tip of the Iceberg. Funeral Coat built up anticipation with a year of singles when they first formed back in 2020, then delivered Is That So? On July 3rd of 2021. Nearly a year has passed and we’re still spinning it – clearly, it has aged with grace. Album opener “Sorry” is the archetypal Funeral Coat song – their songs clearly have a punk edge, but never stray too far into bouncy, light-hearted territory. “Sorry” demonstrates this perfectly, highlighting a beautiful harmonic guitar lead layered thick with effect pedals. The vocals are similarly effected – masking the emotive delivery with a layer of shredded-speaker distortion.[...]