Tonight: Salad Days
Punk nostalgia has skyrocketed. Articles on “revivals” (emo) and documentaries of your faves (The Descendents) are everywhere around the punk and hardcore world recently, and the 2014 film, Salad Days: A Decade of Punk in Washington, DC (1980-90), is the definitive look at where it all started. “I had heroes I would get nervous around. I know those dudes like Ian are just normal dudes, but those fucking people changed my life” says Dave Grohl in the preview, echoing my feelings pretty perfectly. I grew up and went to shows in and around Washington, DC, and it was always a bizarre experience seeing Ian MacKaye in a bar basement or at a summer concert series. The punk community owes a lot of gratitude to the people who created the hardcore movement in the nation’s capital, but isn’t part of DIY not worshipping idols? Why dwell in the past? Notably missing, at least in the trailer, is the presence of any[...]