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Say Hello To Heaven – “Straight No Chaser”

Self-described “synth-grunge” band Say Hello To Heaven brings us their second single and first original track “Straight No Chaser.” Made up of Alessandro Ayer ad Miguel Romero, their first single was a cover of “Say Hello To Heaven” made famous by Temple of the Dog… “Straight No Chaser,” features a strong synth throughout that, although tastefully cedes some time to the guitar, otherwise rocks the fuck out. While synth-grunge as a concept could just be a one-off novelty, we’re all about it, and hope that the band is as earnest as they sound, because how can you go wrong here? Synth-meets-grunge? Sign us up. You can hear “Straight No Chaser” below from Soundcloud or add to your soon-to-be-stuffed synth-grunge playlist on Spotify.  

Column 11: Buffy Goes to the Bronze

In a very strong example of being late to the game, I’ve finally started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (thanks, Netflix).  I’m only two seasons in so far, but the Scoobie gang’s hangout, the Bronze, is already as endearing to me as it was to the millions of fans who kept current with the show while it aired. The Bronze is the ideal high school hangout spot. Its cappuccino menu and dark interior oozes cool, yet it’s also practical as a destination to do homework or date half-human, half-vampires. It’s also Sunnydale’s live music destination, featuring grungy bands as well as Seth Green on guitar. The Internet tells me that the fictional Bronze actually acted as a showcase for up-and-coming Los Angeles bands at the time, and that major music/narrative moments happen there (but in later seasons that I haven’t yet seen). While it aired, Buffy was completely in-step with[...]