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Fresh – “Merch Girl”

London pop-punkers Fresh are here with the ebullient pop-punk of “Merch Girl.” The title-track of their upcoming EP due out April 19th, 2024, “Merch Girl” pairs fun, punky vocals with buzzsaw guitars and an overall upbeat vibe, drawing comparisons to Tigers Jaw, Candy Hearts, and Lemuria. The song is meant to be a beacon of empowerment for female artists – here’s a little more about that from Fresh themselves: “Merch girl is about living in that space between wanting something and achieving something. It’s kind of a character song, about somebody that is involved in music – but not in the way that they want to be, and they’re frustrated by that. At the beginning of the song, they’re watching from the sidelines, but as the song progresses they make the decision to create their own art. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, drawing from clichés of the wallflower, the sidekick, but[...]

Fresh – “Cinema Woes”

London punk act Fresh are a… *ahem,* fresh, burst of bright, sunny energy. “Cinema Woes” is a minute and a half of jangly punk with an urgent, emo feel… Think Japandroids in spirit with some Hold Steady sentiment for good measure. Fans of the aforementioned acts, An Horse, or Hop Along are gonna dig this one. “Woes” is over before you know it and it leaves us wishing for more. Check it out below and be sure to add it to your Spotify playlist. Cinema Woes by Fresh

Fresh – Nighttime

The UK’s indie punk rising stars, Fresh, give apathy a monochromatic face in the video for their recent single “Nighttime.” The Londoners playfully exude their situational angst, traipsing around the woods in a strictly all-black dress code. Lyrically, the track touches on deep-rooted insecurities and thoughts, giving a voice to that negativity while whittling it away. It’s a jumpstart of distortion, drive, and distress, utilizing powerful vocals, measured percussion, and smoggy guitar lines to hammer their message home. If you’re lucky, you caught the band on one of their recent tours with Camp Cope, Caves, Me Rex, and other DIY punk outfits throughout the UK. Find this, along with the track’s B side “Daytime” and other releases here.