Basement Revolver – “Pull Yourself Together”
“Pull Yourself Together” is the latest from Ontario band Basement Revolver – a band we’ve covered a couple times over the years here and here. Coming from what appears to be an expanded “director’s cut” of their 2021 album Embody, “Pull Yourself Together” didn’t appear on the original (although “Skin” did, which we loved if you click on the second “here” link above). Giving a masterclass in shoegaze adjacent and dream pop, you can’t help but be impressed with how well this track builds upon itself. Chrisy Hurn delivers in spades; as the song gets louder and louder (and then shrinks back down) their voice almost shimmers throughout. With the original album being released in the midst of the pandemic and lock downs, this feels like a proper way to re-introduce the world to Basement Revolver’s album and to add and extra epilogue with “Pull Yourself Together.” Fans of Alvvays,[...]