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Khi’leb – “Tempt Me”

Khi’leb came through with an absolute production of a track titled “Tempt Me” from his deluxe album Project In the Suburbs. I pressed play and thought I had an idea of where the track was headed but as soon as Khi’leb laid down the first vocals, that thought went out the window. The amount of vocal layers on the hook are likely to reach the moon and back; not only to harmonize but to fulfill the main vocals to their maximum potential. “Tempt Me” is just as beautiful of a track as it is hard. The Australian artist conveyed the feeling of a triumphant underdog overcoming a world of adversary in such an authenticated way. Listen to “Tempt Me” on Spotify or on Apple Music or get acquainted with his previous work via the YouTube link below.


The age-old head-bob is simply irresistible when tuned into the new Chiseko. The Australian-born artist’s latest track, titled “CONFIDENCE,” will leave you with exactly that and much more. The instrumental is fully-loaded with perfect portions of horns, percussion, bass, and synths for a ratio that is truly unmatched. “CONFIDENCE” is the perfect track for a fresh start; whether you’re going back to school, starting a new job, moving, or anything in between. Go ahead, turn it on and try not to shamelessly dance, I dare you. Stream “CONFIDENCE” on Spotify Stream “CONFIDENCE” on Apple Music

Stay Nice & Joe Jackson – “Face The Music”

Somewhere on the other side of the world in Australia, producer Stay Nice teamed up with singer/songwriter Joe Jackson to bring us a hot-cup-of-coffee blend of house hip-hop. With flows coming at you with calculated elegance, “Face The Music” is a perfect jingle to take a deep breath and two-step it off. Featured artist Joe Jackson made a more-than-promising debut with such a soothing voice harmonizing over the hook, along with captivating content throughout the verses… All of which are of course laid down atop an instrumental that sounds smoother than creamy peanut butter. Stream it on SoundCloud & Spotify

I AM D – “Budget”

On his latest single “Budget,” Brisbane, Australia’s I AM D discusses the unfortunate phenomenon in music, and particularly rap, where an artist’s contribution is taken as free or a favor. Whether it’s a feature, production, or mixing and mastering, there’s value in the talent and time put in that isn’t always met. I AM D poignantly discusses this with the lines “Rappers always hit me up like they ain’t got a budget, like the shit I do is worth nothing.” D’s wordplay is off the charts for a fiery song like this, especially when he says “You think the D is free, Kendrick ended that discussion,” referencing Kendrick Lamar’s “For Free,” where he insists his dick ain’t free to thirsty groupies. Listen to the track below, and pay your collaborators!