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The Leones – Ghost in the City

Like something out of retro Gotham comes Ghost in the City, a melancholic gaze into the haunted homes of the album. For the most part, this gaze sets its eyes on love despite the album’s eerie, mysterious lyrical settings buttressed by the deep instrumentals. Ghost in the City tells it’s tall tales in Kurt Vile-style: The songs are usually five-and-a-half minutes or more. The men of The Leones, Justin Bachulak and Dustin Lau, used their indigo pallor to create something of wondrous quality. “Where I Want You” begins with brilliant retro synth that seems straight from the late Castlevania projects. A solid folk voice masked in some reverb joins the composition. The song talks of a girl named Anne. All she could do was “fold,” yet the main character (who seems creepy) sought her out for some reason. The guitar augments the final minute or so of the song, adding[...]