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A Days Wait – “Long Lines”

A Days Wait returns with their new indie pop single “Long Lines.” The band is no stranger to buffaBLOG as we’ve covered this project’s alliterative 2022 single “Tongue Tied” and 2023’s “Signals.” “Long Lines” continues with accessible college radio rriendly style that A Days Wait mastermind Adam Alfano has close to perfected. The latest single is all about trying to be a positive person, but constantly encountering negativity and hoping to bust through it.  A Days Wait continues its charitable mantra by donating proceeds for “Long Lines” again to a cause. Please don’t ask me what the charity is because I don’t know. I hope its a good one. A Days Wait · Long Lines

A Days Wait – “Signals”

“Signals” is the newest song from Canadian indie pop band A Days Wait, released ahead of their new album. We previously wrote about them here (thanks Nick), and enjoyed what we heard back in ’22 and haven’t changed our minds. This understated yet mournful sounding jam is filled to the brim with wispy guitar and a slick bass line that form a sturdy backbone but don’t overpower singer Adam Alfano’s dulcet tones. As per the band, the proceeds from (presumably the album) will go to charity, which seems to be a common theme with their music. I’m not rightly sure on the charity, but I’m gonna go with something worthwhile and heartwarming. You can hear “Signals” on Spotify or YouTube. Be sure to let us know your thoughts over on our social media! A Days Wait · Signals

A Days Wait – “Tongue Tied”

Canadian dream poppers A Days Wait caught our ears with their latest offering, “Tongue Tied.” You can really hear the production from Day Wave’s Jackson Phillips – expect a relaxing bedroom pop beat, plenty of cosmic guitars, and a vocal treatment that has as much in common with 2022 as it does with mid-80s acts like Tears for Fears. About the song, A Days Wait says: “Sometimes, when it’s most important to speak up, we just can’t find the right words.” You can check out “Tongue Tied” via the Soundcloud widget below – you can also find it on Apple Music and Spotify. A Days Wait · Tongue Tied