Landon Conrath – “Overrated”

Minneapolis based Landon Conrath is an indie-pop-punk MACHINE and “Overrated” is his latest. A drummer turned solo act (like Father John Misty), some friendly encouragement from a peer gave the necessary hutzpah to take the leap. Frenetic energy, the call and response (Taking Back Sunday energy <3), and a fantastic hook really starts to push this track into “pop punk genius” territory. Power chords galore lead the way with a sick bass riff following close behind; the bridges between chorus and verse do a fantastic job of building back up almost flawlessly.
If you think you’re unsure about “Overrated” be sure to give the B-Side, “Replay” a listen as well. Showing off more of an EDM pop vibe with equally catchy tunes, it’s certainly more than just overrated filler. You can hear both track over on Spotify or Apple Music, with an album forthcoming. The music video for “Overrated” can be found below!
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller