French Cassettes – “Medium Horny”

“Medium Horny” is the newest single from Bay Area quartet French Cassettes; it’s quite the banger. With a only a couple singles since 2020’s LP Rolodex, this is a fine return to form for FC with a full gamut of wistful lyrics and (as I like to call it) “focused yet lazy guitar licks.” Evoking bands like Hot Hot Heat at their more cerebral or perhaps Vampire Weekend, FC lures you in with dulcet tones and bedroom talk – “I’m more than lazy but less than exciting but medium horny.”

Speaking to their influences for the track, front man Lorenzo Scott Huerta had this to say:

“The first verse is Johnny Marr, middle section is Jeff Lynne and Bill Evans, the outro is Elliott Smith. I’ve never heard a full Evans song in my life… I don’t think, but I’ve heard he does ‘chord solos’ and I loved that idea so I wrote a guitar solo of just strummed chords.”

Further on the subject, Huerta revealed that upon recording the track he wanted to re-do the guitar tracks [from the demo version] but was stopped by the guitarist Mackenzie. For me, this added a level of personal touch of vulnerability to the song and made it feel more homebrew and personal.

Be sure to check out “Medium Horny” over on Spotify or Apple Music and give us a ding over on our social media to let us know what you think! Also be sure to be check out our prior write-up of them here back from 2020, as it equally kicks ass.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
