Tonight: Gillian

Tonight: Gillian

In elementary school, I had this friend named Gillian (spelled the same way). She was a fearless girl careful coordinate every outfit, had every hair on her head neatly trimmed, was clear and concise, but was also totally unafraid to throw down on the monkey bars,...
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Tonight: Dreambeaches

Tonight: Dreambeaches

The surf rock genre is one that has erupted in recent years, to the point where you can almost find a little bit of surf in a significant portion of indie music. With bands like Best Coast, Wavves, Surfer Blood, Beach Fossils, and Real Estate in heavy rotation, it’s a...
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Spoon at Canalside (6/25/15)

It goes without saying that there’s something exceptional about a band that’s been in the game for so long and still preserves a knack for consistency and relevance. In the case of Spoon, “in the game” translates to eight full length releases over the span of two...
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