Tonight: Band of Horses

Tonight: Band of Horses

“I’m coming up only to hold you under And coming up only to show you’re wrong And to know you is hard; we wonder… To know you all wrong; we warn. Really too late to call, So we wait for morning To wake you is all we got To know me as hardly...
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Tonight: DIIV

Tonight: DIIV

In this day and age, terms like “shoegaze,” “dream rock,” and “indie pop” get thrown around fairly often. It makes sense in our brains to categorize music as we try to explain it to someone who’s never heard it before. Rarely...
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Tonight: A Celebration of Pete Perrone

Tonight: A Celebration of Pete Perrone

For the Buffalo music scene he was a key player; a fatherly figure who helped support a generation of bands simply by opening his doors and giving us weirdos an opportunity to be weird. In doing so he transformed an aging, somewhat dilapitated building into a musical...
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Essex St. Pub

Essex St. Pub

Jukebox Heroes is a new feature, highlighting the best Jukeboxes Western New York has to offer. The focus here is pre-digital, pre-touch screen. In other words, jukeboxes that play vinyl or compact discs. It is the 21st century. The world, as we know it, is changing....
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