Dreambeaches –  Habits

Dreambeaches – Habits

I’ll cut to the chase: These guys are good. Let’s just say I listened to them a few times for fun. Dreambeaches is a colorful quartet that’s barely a year old. Habits’ cover art does them justice, as does their Facebook promo photo take on...
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Tonight: Taking Back Friday

Tonight: Taking Back Friday

Don’t worry. It’s okay if you’re still emo. That’s right! It’s okay if you wear your heart on your sleeve, if you still want to walk around with a hair-eyepatch, if you instinctively take selfies from an upward angle (you’ve even...
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Petite League – “Zookeeper”

Petite League – “Zookeeper”

Bursting out from the Syracuse scene is Petite League with some new, noisy music. “Zookeeper” fronts zipping guitar leads on top of a dense block of jangly indie rock. The drums find themselves at the forefront, with hissing cymbals and a woody snare. The...
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