supergloom – “Bleed Me Out”
LA based supergloom is a four piece and not a huge fan of capitalization – but that’s okay, because their new track “Bleed Me Out” is both capitalized and a solid track. Leaning heavily into the shoegaze/dream pop vibe, this is all about the guitars and the menagerie of pedals the band employs. The band packs in a ton of sound that managed to keep me entertained for the 3:45 I thought the track was, but was surprised to see a run time of 4:51. I’ve always said anything over four minutes really has to grip me and obviously this did, because it felt like no time had passed at all. Fans of Radiohead, Gish era Smashing Pumpkins, or DIIV, this is for you. Speaking to the track, the band had this to say: “This song is about being so comfortable in a situation that you allow yourself to be[...]