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Tonight: Peelander-Z

Peelander-Z lands at Mohawk tonight with Super Killer Robots and Jamie and the Debt. Peelander, from New York/outer space via Japan, are pure punk rock fun, with a raucous live show. The last time the group rolled through town, the bonkers show included a good deal of the audience on percussion and Goo Goo Dolls member Robby Takac sitting in on guitar. Local robots Super Killer Robots have been busy on the scene circuit will join the far out antics. Buffalo DIY hero Jamie and the Debt will open. Tonight doors are at 7pm, music at 8pm, and the cover is $8.

Tonight: Pinky Doodle Poodle

Its Robby Takac’s Buffalo tonight at Mohawk Place. Pinky Doodle Poodle, all the way from Tokyo, is back to record a third album at Takac’s Good Charamel Records studio, and to make the most of their visit, will be hitting the stage at Mohawk later on. This band rocks like old school punk. Are they the Japanese Lemuria? When I saw Super Killer Robots at Music is Art my first impression of them was they were a typical hard rock band with one tall robot member. My first impression still stands. Lo-fi local punk band Boy Scouts will also open. Music begins at 8pm with a cover of $5.