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Stereosity – “Manny, Manny!”

Stereosity is a four piece from Orange County, California consisting of four friends (two of which are brothers) who love “warm tones and silly words.” Self-described as “calculus rock” (surely a play on words of the popular math rock genre), Stereosity memorializes a beloved (and weird) family dog in “Manny, Manny!” You’ll hear lots of genre hallmarks here – wailing and passionate vocals; start-stop guitar work; and more emotion than you could shake a stick at (there’s a pun on playing fetch here somewhere, but we’ll just leave it at that for now). Fans of Tiny Moving Parts, Macseal, and Delta Sleep will love this one. You can find “Manny, Manny!” on Spotify and Soundcloud or via their Linktree. Stereosity ยท Manny, Manny!