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rincs – “Dingbat”

“Dingbat” is the latest from LA duo (or quartet now? unclear) rincs, and it’s quite the banger. While it’s been a minute since we’ve written about rincs, doesn’t mean there’s any love lost! We last heard from them in 2022 and 2020, and it looks like they’re still on their (most excellent) shit. The track starts off with a really fun diddy of a guitar riff along with Rebeca R’s dulcet tones. The time signature changes that happen sporadically throughout really keep you on your toes – really keeping with the (eccentric) “Dingbat” theme. You’ll be charmed by the twee guitars and bedroom indie pop feel, along the lines of Speedy Ortiz or Deerhoof. You can hear “Dingbat” over on Spotify or conveniently down below from Soundcloud. One of the notes my editor left me was that there was a potential WNY theme. @rincs if you see this, can you confirm[...]

rincs – “Less Polite”

LA-based act rincs very well may be the pioneer of a new genre unlike any I’ve ever heard. The intro to “Less Polite ” is gripping, right from the get-go, with a wave-like sonic sensation. It’s incredible how such abstract noises and rhythms can sound so good when put in the right places. If “Less Polite ” doesn’t leave you with hypnotized spiral eyes, there’s only one possible explanation; you just don’t get it. But that’s okay! We know you’ll get there. Just keep listening until you do. Stream it on Spotify & Apple Music rincs · Less Polite

rincs – “Bobcat II”

We’ve been lovin’ on this twinkly indie rocker from LA duo rincs. “Bobcat II” is a quirky jam, full of spindly twists and turns, unique chord progressions, and a super tight percussion track. This one is ambiguous genre-wise, layered subtly with lots of electronic elements and carried heavily by a buttery vocal track; we especially dig when the bass kicks in the 2nd verse, around the 1:05 mark. Check it out below and be sure to add it to your Spotify playlist if you’re feeling it. rincs · Bobcat II