Pocket Full of Crumbs – “I”
As foretold by us here, the forthcoming album from San Francisco based Pocket Full of Crumbs is here, and with it, another single. The single in question is “I” and in the humble opinion of I, is a *perfect* second single. It builds off perfectly from their first “In My Home” with an added layer of phuzzy goodness and still feels part of a cohesive unit without being a rehash of what they just did. They continue down the slacker shoegaze trail like a goddamn Johnny Appleseed – planting seeds that will eventually mature into full grown guitar pedals. You can hear “I” below embedded from the band’s label Cherub Dream or over on Spotify to add to your growing phuzzy guitar playlist (I know we’re responsible for most of it). Give the rest of the album “In My Hands I Hold a Lucky Crickey” too if you’re feeling the[...]