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Ski Mask The Slump God – OOGA BOOGA!

Hip-Hop’s ultimate enigma, Ski Mask The Slump God, came through on Halloween with the ever so festive “OOGA BOOGA!” Listening to how Ski Mask floats over the instrumental is like watching your favorite cartoon character come out of the screen and start dancing in your living room. The amount of caption worthy bars given out like candy within a two minute and twelve second time stamp is just absurd. Both the lyrics and flows in “OOGA BOOGA!” can be sourced back to none other than The Slump God, he is a true pioneer of what I could only describe as animated rap. The once “SoundCloud rapper” has turned himself into a household name by making songs that sound like they’re emanating from a golden GameCube on Friday the 13th. Listen to “OOGA BOOGA!” on Spotify Watch the visualizer for “OOGA BOOGA!” on Youtube