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Martha Rose – “Heart Still Beats 4 U”

Originally hailing from England and now in Germany, Martha Rose brings us her latest track “Heart Still Beats 4 U.” It begins with a speaking intro (“sometimes nothing is sweeter than what remains unsaid”) that breaks into a synth forward track that feels like a tip of the cap to 80’s style Madonna or Paula Abdul with plenty of modern day Clairo and Japanese Breakfast influence. The drum machine feels like a nice touch too – nothing against drummers, but this just calls for the drum machine. Rose’s voice, both spoken and sung, floats ethereally throughout “Beats 4 U” while nailing high notes like a pro. In case you thought she wasn’t serious about the 80’s aesthetic I invite you to watch the music video below (I’ll wait). Be sure to check out “Heart Still Beats 4 U” from your streamer of choice (Apple Music, Spotify), if you ignored my[...]

Martha Rose x GRIP TIGHT – “Come On Over”

Berlin based musician Martha Rose teams up with collaborator Benjamin Luke Gregory, aka GRIP TIGHT, another artist who makes his home in Berlin by way of London. They’ve worked together previously on another single, “Never B Mine” and keep the magic going with the breezy lo-fi stylings of “Come On Over.” Contrasting the two songs is initially difficult, but “Come On Over” mostly stays in it’s synth-based dream pop lane – putting more focus on Rose’s vocals. It’s an incredibly sexy, synth-laden track that puts Rose’s haunting voice front and center, based on a mythical (or real?) “party” (re: orgy) on Mt. Olympus. Fans of Blue Hawaii, TOPS, or Grimes looking that “next big band” would certainly find a lot to enjoy here. Rose and Gregory have an ear for composition and have the sound of artists punching well above their weight with a polished yet not overwrought vibe. You can[...]