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Maria Køhnke – “State of Confusion”

Maria Køhnke is a Danish based musician is back with her latest track “State of Confusion;” her first since 2023’s “Sportscar.” At it’s core, “State of Confusion” delves into the pitfalls and meaninglessness of dating these days (for those of you who DON’T know it’s a lot of ghosting and gaslighting). Musically, the production value is quite strong with Køhnke’s vocals melding together with the synth and guitar; wispy and ethereal yet still managing to catch you with impressive hooks. The measure and control shown are equally impressive, as the track simmers but never boils over and makes you wonder what the rest of the EP will look like (kinda like a good single should). You can hear state of confusion on Spotify, Apple Music, or down below from YouTube. Can confirm that this is a great track to listen to both while sitting pensively or driving on the expressway[...]