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Madge – “Shiversucker”

I literally had no idea what “Shiversucker” was going to be about before I popped it on and I still don’t, but I love it. Madge is a nonbinary artist originally hailing from Utah and, if you listen to the track, most assuredly an ex-Mormon. This track is straight up in your face, 120% Id and takes no prisoners; the first 20 seconds summed up: “cocksucker motherfucker make it shiver, make it pucker.” I hate trying to explain a beat, but if you enjoyed DDR growing up (or still do) or find yourself at “parties” and you’re either a brat or enjoy the company of brats…this is for you. If you’re a fan of ppcocaine like I am, you’ll be right at home here. You can hear “Shiversucker” below from Madge’s Soundcloud page or save it to your sultry fuck off playlist over on Spotify. If you like what you[...]

Madge – “notss”

Every now and then we need our hyperpop fix, and non-binary artist Madge is the artist to do it for us most recently. Having written for/collaborated with artists as varied as Pussy Riot and Portugal. The Man, it’s no surprise that “notss” is a hyped-up banger that sounds like a waterfall of candy probably tastes… Probably. Helium vocals and pulsating bass electronics will keep your body moving and grooving at speeds previously unknown to mankind. Madge wears many hats (literally), as they are also a fashion darling (aka model) – even their description of “notss” is artistic af: “The soft torture of mixed signals and the excitement of captivity. I can’t help but think that getting strung along like this is just keeping me strung out on something I like.” Check out “notss” on YouTube (below) or on Spotify.